I had so much fun hosting our Valentine’s Day contest this week! I literally didn’t get anything done today because I was enjoying reading everyone’s stories and obsessing over everyone’s pictures! Focusing on love makes for a good day!
While everyone’s story was absolutely wonderful and touching, one caught my attention the most. Not only does their story show how precious they are together, but it reflects how brave Carly was for taking a leap across the country, and how things just fell into place meeting Mitch.
So let’s hear the story of Carly & Mitch!

The Back Story
In 2016, my work sent me to Birmingham, Alabama on a 5 week project. It was in my hotel room (shower, actually) that I had an epiphany. “I don’t love my job. I don’t love Atlanta (where I was living at the time). And I don’t love the guy I’m dating. I can change all of this!” Later that week, I texted my dad and said, “I might do something crazy.” To which he said, “Call me and give me the facts.” A supportive conversation with him set everything in motion for a big move to Colorado.
Disclaimer: I thought I would make it work with my high school and college on-again off-again boyfriend. We moved in together in the suburbs of Denver, and it was a very quick two months before I realized that that was not my happily ever after.
I was excited for a fresh start in Denver on my own! That started with an early weekday breakfast at Snooze. There I met another solo diner and left my name and number on a receipt for him before heading to work. A girl’s gotta make new friends!
Bryan (his name I learned when he texted me later that morning, boldness for the win!) suggested that we meet up for drinks that weekend. It was Saturday and beautiful outside! I brought my friend Jenna, and he brought his friend Matt. We had a great time!
Matt is super important in this story! He hosted the most BADASS Easter brunch. He invited several of his friends, new and old, to dine together and celebrate Jesus. There was nice champagne, sparkler toasts, and a Hennessy punch bowl! *Wide eye emoji*

One of the invitees was Mitch, Matt’s college buddy that had moved to Denver the year prior. I remember meeting Mitch, but more vividly remember fumbling over his brother’s name during the introductions. Matson, like Watson but with an M!
After brunch we continued the celebration back at Matt’s pool. Come to find out, Mitch lived there too, and was slapped with all of the HOA violations from our shenanigans. Whoopsies!
My memories from the night are blurry, but I remember some one-on-one time with Mitch over late night food and drinks in a dark speakeasy after everyone had peeled off to bed. Mitch will tell you that he remembers me flirting with him. I remember walking arm in arm with him down Larimer Street, saying respectful, friendly goodbyes, and going our separate ways. We went skiing together the next weekend. Matt was a no-show, and the turbo was broken in Mitch’s Ford which made for a slow ride up into the mountains. I tumbled behind Mitch on the black diamonds and raced him down the ski course.

That night back in Denver, Mitch made his move. I’d like to think I was surprised, but I welcomed his pursuit. We weren’t looking for love, but our similar backgrounds, outgoing personalities, and new circle of friends created an indisputable bond between us that has continued ever since. Mitch and I have been together for nearly two years now. We just moved into a new house together! We enjoy skiing, camping, traveling, and going to concerts and festivals. We both grew up in the country but love life in the city. Family is everything, and I am thrilled and blessed that this crazy path lead me to mine.
Happily together,
Carly and Mitch

Keep spreading the love
Now aren’t they cute?! I seriously loved hosting this little contest. If you’d like to have your story featured, send it over to me. Let’s keep this thing going!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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