Popping THE Question
Proposals are one of my favorite parts of the wedding experience. I love to hear the stories of raw emotion and overwhelming joy. When brides are genuinely surprised, their reactions are priceless. When grooms are down on one knee in their most vulnerable and honest moment – it’s just precious to me. So, I’m so excited to share our proposal story with you! Click here to watch the full video!
The Set Up
About 3 weeks before, my parents asked Alex, my sister, and I to come home (Waynesboro, GA) for a special cookout to welcome our new neighbors to the neighborhood. Alex said he couldn’t come because he had to work, which was a completely normal occurrence, so I believed both stories with no question.
So a few weeks later, on Friday, September 30th, 2016, I drove down to Waynesboro for the“neighborhood cookout.” When I arrived at home that night, my mom asked me if I would take my youngest sister, Lexi, dress shopping the next morning before the neighbors came over that night. Lex had a dance coming up so I didn’t think this was out of the ordinary. I was also very excited to go shopping, so nothing was suspicious yet.
October 1, 2016
The next morning I was woken up (wayyy too early) by my mom, Stevie, and Lexi sitting on the foot of my bed, (aggressively) telling me to get ready for “shopping day.” I was none too pleased to be woken up that early on a Saturday morning, but I reluctantly got up and got ready. Since we were just going to the mall, I put on a T-shirt and leggings (my usual attire) but Stevie insisted that I put on something nicer. What?!? I was getting annoyed at this point.
Right before we were about to leave, Mama asked us to stop by the store to grab some things for the cookout before heading to Augusta. I, again, was none too pleased- I was starving and wanted to get to Augusta to eat breakfast. But of course, we agreed.
Sisterly Love
After our grocery store trip was finished, we loaded the car to leave for Augusta. Just as we were leaving the Wal-Mart parking lot, Stevie noticed she left her phone at home. She insisted that we go all the way back to get it. At this point, I was totally P.O’d.
As we pulled back into the driveway, Stevie put the car in park, pulled a blindfold out of her purse, looked at me and said, “Put this on.” I was so hangry and irritated with her, the only thing I could think or say was “Why the heck do you have a blindfold in your purse?!” After a few minutes of arguing, I put the blindfold on and Stevie drove to our house. Lexi has the entire argument on video (LOL).

The Scrap Book
We got out of the car, and Stevie and Lexi walked me down to our pond house, sat me in a chair, and put a book of some sort in my hand (still blindfolded). When Stevie took the blindfold off, I knew exactly what was happening. The pond house was decorated SO beautifully- flowers everywhere, white table clothes, and pictures of Alex and me hanging around the house. Needless to say, I started freaking out.
The book they had put in my hand was a scrap book of mine and Alex’s time together. It was hand crafted and hand written by him (yes, boys can be crafty too). The last line on the last page said, “So remember when I said I had to work this weekend, I lied. Turn Around.” And there he was, dressed to a tee, looking oh so handsome.
So. Many. Tears.
After the tears died down a bit, Alex said the most beautiful and honest proposal. I was seriously a blubbering mess.

The Party
Next thing I knew, fireworks were going off and my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles (which I had no idea were in town) came running out of the house. Then a few minutes later, Alex’s family arrived all the way from Alpharetta. I thought my heart was going to explode.
Both of our families celebrated for the rest of the morning with coffee, champagne, breakfast (Sammy’s favorite), and celebratory toasts. Then the next day, we drove to Atlanta to celebrate with our best friends at a Braves game.

If you know me, you know that this proposal was planned perfectly. It was in my favorite place, with my favorite people, during my favorite time of day.
I still don’t know how he did it, but Alex hit it out of the park.

The Video
Here is Our Full Proposal Video video courtesy of Russ Feltman Films 🙂
I hope you enjoyed our story, now I’d love to hear yours! Comment below or shoot me an email – you might get a feature on the blog!
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