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Hi, I'm Sammy

6 Reasons to Hire a Wedding Coordinator TODAY

May 7, 2019

Are you one of the many brides contemplating the need for a wedding planner/coordinator? If so, I totally understand. It’s a big cost that kind of makes you think “oh, let’s save some money -I can do it myself!” And while you CAN do a lot yourself (because you are a brilliant, independent woman), it can steal a lot of your wedding joy, really quickly.

Putting everything on yourself and your friends/family members can cause 10 times more stress than necessary in the wedding planning experience. So today I want to give you 6 Reasons to Hire a Wedding Coordinator ASAP!

6 Reasons to Hire a Wedding Coordinator TODAY

#1: Weddings are Complex

You may not realize it when you are sipping champagne and eating cake as a wedding guest, but when you start planning your own, you realize that weddings are complex beings. They have so many moving parts, traditions, special moments, and people. It’s a lot to keep up with! So why risk loosing special wedding moments with your favorite people by leaving it up to yourself to remember when to cut the cake or what time your vendors need to start packing up? The short answer= DON’T do that to yourself – hire someone else!

#2: Vendor Teams need a Ring Leader

You will have at least 8-10 vendors helping to throw your special day who more than likely won’t know each other.

Picture this – you’re assigned to do a group project with a totally random group of students at school. There is no leader, so no one knows when/where/how/why to do things, so everyone starts doing things at their own will. One guy shows up 2 hours early for the presentation and another shows up 2 hours late. The girl with the poster goes to the wrong classroom and the guys that was supposed to announce the end result of the project pronounces it wrong. All of this leaves the poor teacher (aka: you, the bride) in a stressed-filled tizzy.

Ok, that was a bit of a stretch, but you get the picture- your wonderful, talented vendors need someone to bring the team together and build a seamless plan so their talents can shine!


Did someone remember to reserve a ceremony seat for Grandma? What about flower petals for the flower girl basket? Whose car are we going to pack the gifts in at the end of the night?? Who is going to make sure the videographer knows what time to capture you putting on your dress? Or that the florist leaves flowers for the baker to put on the cake?

These are just SOME of the questions you might ask yourself if your planner/coordinator wasn’t there to remind you well before wedding day.

wedding planning calendar

#4: Damage Control

Imagine this – you’re getting pampered in your bridal suite with your gals when all of the sudden you get a call from the venue manager saying the rental company delivered the wrong amount of tables and chairs and your florist is short a bridesmaid bouquet. Now guess who is going to have to deal with this : YOU, your maid of honor, bridesmaids, and your mom.

You are going to have to interrupt your glamorous morning to track down a rental truck and beg your florist to make a another bouquet. Now picture the same scenario, but your coordinator was at the venue to catch and fix these hiccups on the spot. And guess what you’re doing – sipping mimosas and taking selfies in the makeup chair, never feeling the stress of the day!

#5: You’ll have Someone to Set Up your Decor EXACTLY How You Want It

You’ll be chatting with your wedding coordinator for at least 6 weeks before your wedding, so by that time, she’ll know your wedding vision to a tee. She’ll be able to take your venue, your decor, and your theme and turn it into your wedding dream all while you’re getting ready with your gals. With a coordinator, mom and grandma won’t have to frantically decorate on wedding morning, calling you every 5 minutes asking where things go. Everyone can relax and it will be ready for you when you get there!

Wedding Decor
Alex and I on our way to set a reception room and put out centerpieces all while our bride was eating brunch 🙂

#6: You’ll have an Objective Opinion to Lean On

As helpful as your mom, aunts, sisters, grandma, and future mother-in-law will be during wedding planning, you will need an objective point of view for some decisions. Weddings are an emotional/family oriented time anyway, so when you add seating charts, plus ones, and traditions to the mix, it can really put stress on all parties. Tell me you and your sister wouldn’t get into a tiff or two if she was in charge of orchestrating your room flip or ceremony rehearsal? It’s super important to have an objective professional who knows the drill to help make decisions and to run the show on wedding day. Leave the dirty work to your coordinator and the relaxation and fun to your and your family members!

Ready, Set, GO!

Now that you have some important info to go off of, you’re ready to make your decision! Go out there and get yourself a kick butt wedding coordinator!

If you’re interested in having the Jackson & June team plan, coordinate, or design your big day, find out more info here!

Happy Wedding Planning!



wedding coordinator
In wedding-coordinator action!

Planning Tips

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