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Hi, I'm Sammy

How to avoid wedding day stress: Let Hiccups Happen

Aug 23, 2018

stress-free wedding planning

No matter how much you plan, there will be hiccups.

For those of you who know me know that I am, in every sense of the word, a planner. I mean, I plan out time to sit down and make plans. So wedding day stress was not something I prepared for because our wedding was planned to a tee.

Our wedding weekend was planned so well that I was confident nothing would happen out of schedule. And for the most part, it didn’t. It was an absolute perfect weekend. Although it was a dream of a weekend, let me tell you, there were plenty of things that happened not-as-planned, off-schedule, or not at all. Parts were chaotic and a little rushed, but the lesson I want to share with you is this: do not let wedding stress win. LET HICCUPS HAPPEN.

For us Type A personalities out there, this is seriously the hardest thing in the world. But trust me, it’s worth it!

What I had planned.

Before our wedding weekend, I had planned to write a beautiful, hand calligraphy love letter to Alex. I bought special stationary and planned for it to be delivered to him first thing wedding day morning. Well, this didn’t happen. I got so caught up in the fun, joy, and energy, I completely forgot- and it didn’t hit me until about 20 minutes before heading to the venue.

At this point I was like “ok, I can stress out and forget about it since it’s not how I planned, OR, I can grab a pen and scribble down any thoughts I might be having in this moment.”  And y’all, I’m so glad I went with the latter.

What really happened.

So with 5 minute time limit, I grabbed the first pen I saw and started writing. Those few minutes were so raw and energized, all I could tell him was how excited I was for the day and for our future. I remember writing the letter so vividly, and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever felt excitement like that before.I also didn’t realize I was sitting at this amazing antique that made an awesome shot!

how to avoid wedding day stress
My videographer captured the moment perfectly!

Your heart will be too full…

Even though my love letter to Alex was written with a generic ballpoint pen I found in my uncle’s kitchen and the handwriting was shaky and ugly, Alex absolutely loved it. I honestly don’t even know how or who delivered it to him, but regardless.

So, to all of my brides out there, no matter what happens during your wedding weekend, I encourage you to not give in to wedding day stress. LET HICCUPS HAPPEN and let your heart be too full of joy to care.

how to avoid wedding day stress
Alex reading my “ugly” love letter

Happy Wedding Planning!



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